Top 10 Indie Magazines All Travel Lovers Should Read

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Top 10 Indie Magazines All Travel Lovers Should Read

Traveling offers the perfect opportunity for reading. There are layovers, quiet evenings in hotel rooms and long train rides. While ebooks are wonderful for traveling light, there’s no mistaking the thrill of flipping through the paper pages of a good magazine. With the gorgeous photo spreads, the well-designed graphics and the inspiring stories, a magazine is the perfect entertainment option while you’re traveling or when you’re at home, wishing you were traveling. Whether you’re planning a trip or doing some armchair traveling, these ten indie magazines will keep the spirit of wanderlust stoked until your next adventure.


1. Boat Magazine

Each issue of this magazine is dedicated to one city — everything from the the music scene; the locals, and the food. Currently the issue is all about Bangkok, so if you’re planning a trip to Thailand, you’ll want to get your hands on this magazine ASAP.

2. Another Escape

This magazine is a celebration of those who turn inspirations into aspirations. From outdoor lifestyle adventures and and creative artists, you’ll be inspired to get up and start living your dreams after every page you turn.

3. Stay Wild

If you’re an adrenaline-junkie (and even if you’re not), you’ll love the graphic photography and undeniably cool stories of travel with lots of stories about extreme motorcycling, surfing, skiing, camping, cycling, and other gritty, heart-stopping adventures.

4. Suitcase

Love travel and fashion? Then this magazine is for you. It also comes as a digital download too if you don’t want to haul around an armful of magazines.

5. The Collective Quarterly

Focusing on the creative process, each issue focuses on one exotic destination and the cool artists who bring the locale to life. From musicians to skateboard designers, you might just get the urge to start being more creative after reading these inspiring stories.

6. Darling

Basically, this magazine revolves around the “art of being a woman,” whether that’s an artist, the dreamer, the intellectual, or the traveler. One section of the magazine is devoted to The Explorer and there you’ll find stories all about women who are exploring the world, shopping for a good cause and eating amazing food.

7. Sidetracked

With the magazine divided up into two sections – explore and survive- you now this is going to be an intense read. Originating with the passion to tell the stories of people who aren’t afraid to push boundaries in order to experience adventures, breathtaking this magazine will have your adrenaline racing even from your comfy couch.

8. Tiny Altas

Offering travel and lifestyle photography, video and stories, this collection of stunning images, beautiful graphics, first-person stories, and helpful travel resources will have you ready to pack your bags in no time. From local secrets to exotic locations, the quarterly magazine is sure to show you something you’ve never imagined before.

9. Weekend Almanac

Never-ending weekend? Yes, please. From a grow- up pizza party to coloring pages, this magazine wants to extend that weekend feeling. There are features on  the best weekender bags, crash courses on art and three-day weekend trip ideas.

10. Wherever

If you don’t just pick up magazines for the pretty pictures, you’ll love this narrative magazine full of beautiful, personal essays. From writing about calligraphy artists to talking about style trends in Asia, you’ll also find convenient lists of to-dos while you’re in each country.

Khanh Beau


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